Master planning using the principles of a people-first approach to streetscape design, maximising opportunities for green infrastructure and with a sustainable approach to surface water management.
Collyhurst Village
Exterior Architecture have been commissioned by Far East Consortium and Manchester City Council to develop proposals for a new housing development, Collyhurst Village, and a new park located within the Northern Gateway Strategic Regeneration Framework area. The housing development will include a mixture of social housing (to be owned and managed by Manchester City Council) and open market housing to be marketed by FEC. The scheme is designed to be tenure blind.
The proposals are centred on the principles of a people first approach to streetscape design, maximise opportunities for green infrastructure and a sustainable approach to surface water management.
The streets are arranged into three categories creating a hierarchy across the sites This includes green links, internal streets and living streets. They are design along the principles of the Dutch streetscape design concept Woonerf.
The new park consists of a number of different character areas connected by a central spine path running north / south between Shellard Street and Burgess Street. A number of secondary paths are proposed to aid access and movement around the park and ensure its integration into the surrounding proposed and existing urban grain.
Project Details
Client: Far East Consortium / Manchester City Council
Architect: Buttress
Scale: 6.2 Ha including the new park