Re-purposing Masterplan to create a new high street, town square, new waterfront and a wider regeneration Area Action Plan to interlink public realm spaces.
Stretford Town Centre
The regeneration of Stretford Town Centre includes the comprehensive redevelopment of Stretford Mall. ExA developed the public realm strategy for the town centre masterplan alongside detailed public realm proposals for the reintroduction of the high street. The proposals include new interconnectivity across the town centre by creating safe attractive routes that encourage movement from surrounding neighbourhoods to the new high street and associated public realm spaces. The historical alignment of the original Stretford high street is rediscovered and forms a central part of the masterplan.
A series of activation matts are proposed across the public realm, reserving space within the streetscape for planting and trees, seating and signage, markets, and popup vendors. This creates ease of movement within the public realm whist creating opportunities for people to dwell. Proposals to the surrounding streets prioritise active travel and promote a people centric approach to the masterplan.
SUD’s form a central part of the public realm design, a new town centre park is proposed within the masterplan designed to attenuate and infiltrate surface water runoff. A network of rain gardens and SUD’s enabled tree corridors radiate out from the new park and manage surface water.
ExA is also supporting the development of an Area Action Plan, covering the whole town of Stretford. This plan seeks to identify wider public realm interventions whilst unlocking development opportunities.
Project Details
Client: Trafford x Bruntwood Works
Architect: Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios
Scale: 7.4 Ha