The planting arrangement responds to levels of sun received, with blues around the canopy and seating area, flourishing through the colour spectrum to purples, dark reds, oranges into yellows and culminating with the whites in the deepest shaded areas along Courtfield Road.
Kensington Hotel Garden
Our plans submitted as part of the planning application for London’s first Garden Square this Century considered the residents of Kensington and local authority to ensure that the horticulture not only represents the local community but also takes a view of the future with focus placed on plant selection for climate change.
Sunlight levels are to be used to determine plant location, ensuring maximum impact of all flowering plants.
Working with the existing large mature Plane Trees, the garden will sit beneath their very large canopies whereby the shrub layer of evergreen and deciduous shrubs weave their way throughout the garden to create areas of privacy, depth of shade, backdrops for foliage, distinctive stem colours and forms, as well as to create seasonal variation.
Project Details
Client: Queensgate Investments LLP
Architect: SimpsonHaugh & Partners